
Here you will find a number of freely accessible documents which may relate to current tax law or may also be a form template or work tool.

Client Information

In the month of July 2007, the Bundestag and the Bundesrat passed the amendments to the law due to the corporate tax reform. The corporate tax reform covers a large number of changes, in particular in the income tax, corporation tax and trade tax law.

This has serious consequences for the taxation of companies, which in the majority of cases should trigger a need for advice during the year.

Changes to the taxation of private individuals arise in particular through the withholding tax on income from capital assets.

The following text contains the most important information.

Client Info Corporate Tax Reform (PDF, 2,1 MB)

Forms and work aids

Direct debit authorization for the tax office (PDF, 48 KB)

Declaration of participation electronic data transfer tax office (PDF, 48 KB)

Personal information sheet(PDF, 41 KB) (PDF, 48 KB)

Overview of lump sums applicable from 1.1.2005 (PDF, 48 KB)

Presentation of a bill according to new law (PDF, 196 KB)

Information sheet on the income tax return for employees (PDF, 76 KB)

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